Some of you know my husband has been dealing with Fibro. We have been trying to find the right medication treatment plan.
This is our second time on Savella. The first time last about 3 weeks but was discontinued due to side effects, rapid heartrate, shaking, sweating, irritable and many other things. Well the doctor said to try again and bare with it.
He has now for almost 2 months now. He seemed to adjust but we couldn't The kids and I finally had to deal with his behavior. He actually told me he wanted a divorce. Had me in tears this last week. He was so cold and just plain ole mean! He was very self centered and cruel with the statements he made. I was packing to leave the house the night before a pain treatment (monday) and all he did was sit in his chair eating and watching football. So cold.
When he left for work when I was getting ready for work I decided to research some of the med combinations he was on. I'm just so anal on that front. Found out about the hostility, aggression and irritablility that this med can cause. And that it reacts with his 24 hour ER release med! I really think some docs need to research drug interactions before writing a script!
After my treatment I sat him down and showed him the drug information and interactions. He still thought I was crazy and it was all in my head. (and the kids) He blamed everything on stress both our cars broke down. And he was using my daughters car. Ok yes that is stress but we have money to buy new cars. Jeeze all we needed was time to find one. (we both work alot)
I had also googled tappering this med. It can cause some nasty withdrawls. Its been two days now at half dose, even at that I see a huge difference.
My point of this is to tell all of you if a loved one tells you something is wrong PLEASE listen. This has been so out of CHARACTER he is such a loving and caring man. But he was convinced I was the crazy one.
So in this household no more SAVELLA!!!!!!
Thanks for listening to my rant