Dear Pete,
Good evening *warm huggs* I hope somewhere, amongst the looooong list of things you need to get done, that you schedualed yourself a little "me time". You know, the bad word~~> RELAX!! hehe.
I am sorry to hear you ahve to go through an eye surgery. I agree option 2 would be the best way to go. I myself have undergone many eye surgeries and I cant stand them... humm... come think of it though I dont think I like ANY poking proding. Humm. BuT!! to the point!! Hopefully once it is done, it will be fully removed / repaird? Is there any chance that it will happen again? I ask because he said he doesnt know what it is? worrysome to say the least.
I am so sorry your mothers cat is ill. But, honestly I am glad she getting to the final stages of moving. It will be alot of worry off your shoulders ( and traveling too!). I just worry that you will over work yourself like you ALWAYS do. So remember the bad word~~> Relax!! As soon as you get a chance. Do you think she will be all settled in by the time the family gets together next month? I sure hope so. You will have to be sure to take a nice loong vacation with your beautiful wife once all the holiday chaos is over with
I hope your wife is doing okay, btw. I cannot imagine the amount of worry and stress she is enduring right now. With so much on her plate aswell, it must be hard. You and your family are in our hearts and prayers here. Please stay safe, and warm *warm huggs*