Hey Suzane! Yep, I have everything I need for the recovery. My computer hangs over the bed where I lay, and you, Privey and I will be talking up a storm! :) I can't wait! I think Privey may even come and spend a little time with me, although I told her its going to have to be in bed! :) She and her Husband are swell folks. They only live 2hr's away from us. That Privey....cooked up a Prime Rib roast for us last weekend. I'm still sucking the enamal off of my teeth from it! :) Hey...make sure you join us in the chat room tonight. I have been running my fool head off, getting things ready to transfer over to the new owner,...plus I have to shoot one more time as the owner this weekend. Monday, we sign the papers...and it's hers. She is one lucky girl....to buy into a company that is doing so well. durning this recession. I have really been suffering the last few days with back pain, and I think Stray was right about
stress being tied to higher pain levels. Take care my Canada friend, and we will Chat at you tonight! :)