Hello all,
I used to post on here but for some reason I stopped, but I miss it and I have to admit that Ialways kept on reading you. However, if there is no real interaction then it is a bit pointless I realized.
Basically I am from Canada, in my late thirties and haven't worked for about a year and a half now. I mention it because of a previous post about working with chronic pain and I though that it was relevant.
Basically , my main problem is in the back. Three disc herniation in the lumbar area. I don't know how it is in the US but where I come from, if you can walk, no matter the amount of pain you are in, no surgeon is going to touch you with a ten foot pole. Mind you all, I read so many posts of people whose surgery caused them to be in more pain that frankly I wonder if they are not right.
To answer the post of someone whose post title was "working with pain" or something like that, well...I have slightly the same problem. Being home all the time can most certainly be a downer. Downer being a euphemism to say downright depressing. I feel useless and really bad especially you you see people around you going about working and living a meaningful an fulfilling life. It a double-edge sword: staying home alone is harmul mentally and depression exacerbates pain.
On the other hand, if a work (which is coming soon since I found a job) I cannot say that I'm in pain ( or else I would not have been hired in the first place) and thus I have to pretend, which can be quite burdensome. I am also afraid that I will have to take more drugs than I would if I staid home because I will have to PERFORM! How do you keep up to par if you in pain?? How do you focus enough to get the job done? The more i will take drugs the more I will develop a tolerance and then you get to the limit of your dosage and then you have to wean it off to get back on it. How do you go through withdrawal while you are working?? I can't take a vacation if it is a new job, I'll get canned! But I have to. In Canada, if you don't work, you get squat! Barely enough to make your rent let alone eat. I really want to work though but not sure how to. So hopeless!
Ouf! So sorry!...I'm rambling on but I am so worried!
Is anybody in a simular situation and how do you cope?
Thank you.