There are several good web sites that cover prescript
ion medications and not only gives you the techinical information of them but also user reviews. But you have to remember that everyone reacts differently to medications, I have used it and I did not think that it did any thing for me, when I was in the military they aways gave me Robaxin for muscle spasms, but you had to take it awhile before it did any thing. I hated Flexeril, that made me dopey and spacey but didn't do anything for the spasms. Low dose diazapam worked very quickly for me to relieve the spasm but did not last, and injected diazapam is great to relieve severe muscles spasms in and emergency, but not good for a continuing problem with spasms like I have! Now I take Baclofen every eight hours 24/7 and it has been a Godsend for me. It not only relieves the spasms but also helps with the pain, and I have no side affects with it! But allot of people do not like Baclofen! Again everyone is different!
Donna that is what makes your question so hard to answer! But yet it is one that we all ask, and want and need an answer to! Yet there really isn't an answer, because although it I did not think it worked for me, maybe after your on it a little while you might think it is the Greatest thing since sliced bread! Just as I do Baclofen! And with all that said I haven't helped you a bit, have I?
But I do hope it works for you, and if it doesn't then go back and see if your Doctor can prescribe something that will work. But I would give it a week or two,first! I know even the Baclofen I take, they had to start me off on a lowdose and slowly increase the dosage untill it became effective!
Good Luck to You!
White Beard