well I saw the doc today ( this time the big man himself , no med students !!) We made a med change to 20 mgs opana BID and increased the topomax to 50 mgs 3x's a day so I am hoping that will help with the nerv pain. That makes it a grand total of Opana 20mgs bid, topomax 50 mgs. tid, lyrica 75mg's 4x's a day, norco 4x's a day along with the prozac, zorco and ambien. Now I also agree ( but have 2 weeks to change my mind) to a nerve block in the office in the oppcipitol nerve. Now you all heard me piss and moan about
how terrible the trial stim for the oppcipitol nerve was and there is no way I will ever go for that again. Nor will I ever agree to another cryoprobe anywhere , no more anything to anything where they have to put me out ( even though that was my biggest complaint with the trial stim) I know it doesn't make any sense BUT I do recall the simple nerve block, simple shots helping some. I have 2 weeks to change my mind, or rather to think about
it. Greatefully I had had a cup of coffee before we left at 5:30 this morning for our 2 1/2 hour drive so we couldn't do it today ( maybe that was fate?). Anyway, what do you think? Of course I'm not really asking you to tell me what to do but I am asking your opinions. If you had had the luck I've had with all the shots and cryoprobes and stim trials etc ( I know I wrote about
them in lenght in the opana vs oxy thread a bit ago), would go with a nerve block in the office.? There has been a heck of alot of nerve pain in the back of the head, a heck of alot of it recently and the nerve block has helped from what I recall many years ago when I first started all of this BUT I never had any of this terrible nerve pain in the back of my head before I had the first cryoprobe to the back of my head. Kind of a darned if you do, darned if you don't situation situation.
any opinion will be taken as such
hope you all are having a pain free day
Its February already, soon it will be spring!