Well I'm up as usual at 2:15 am and hurting so badly that I'm sick to my stomach. I've had all the meds I can take and I still am in such pain, I don't know. I don't know anything. I feel lonely, tired, confused, angry, sad and on. I could handle the pain...who am I kidding? I can't handle the pain. I can barely type I'm shaking so hard. Pain has such a strange affect on me or is it the same for everyone? Does everyone get nauseated when you're in a lot of pain? I've taken Phenergan, but that's not even helping. I want to wake my husband and get him to talk to me, but that isn't fair. Today is our anniversary. I don't know how he stands it..me being in so much pain all the time. I've tried to tell pm how bad it is, but most of you knew immediately what I haven't know for years, that my pm is not the best. I am keeping the pain charts; maybe they will see. I really want to start a new pm, but I feel stuck in this nightmare of pain. I just needed to vent. Cry.