Dear Red,
Good evening. I am sorry you have to deal with scoliosis. I have a Levoscoliosis and it began forming a little over 2-3 years ago. I find out the latest degree of my C shaped curve in a few days. I don't know too much, as all the factors to my spine problems are still being investigated (multiple factors skeletal, muscular, neuromuscular)
There are lots of reasons for curvatures in adults. Sometimes it is mild curvature from child hood that never progressed or from degenerative changes in the spine (DDD, arthritis) that come with aging or, like sherrine said, boneloss. One thing I know for sure... OUCH. man oh man am I paying the price for a progressive curvature! Walking is getting hard, balance is a joke, clothing looks silly, and pain is a four letter word ...and what the heck is with tripping all the time? Stuff gets embarrasing you know!
Okay, but enough complaining. Here is some cool info! (hopefully I am not violating forum rules)
General Info ~~> (question and answer article, very informative)
~~> "Scoliosis is a descriptive term and not a diagnosis. In more than 80% of the cases, a specific cause is not found and such cases are termed idiopathic meaning "of undetermined cause." "
If you have pain originating from your Scoli curve, I suggest seeing a spine specialist who specializes in spinal deformities. They are usually able to take over your overall pain management (mine takes care of my other problems, IE hips, sleep, etc) and will keep close eye on your spine. They also corridinate with your other doctors. I dont know about you, but for me strong communication is a must!
I hope I helped in some way. More so I hope you have a good evening.