Hello my dear friends!! how are you all doing? My laptop is back so I will be able to join in on the conversations. i need an update on everyone!!
Myself, I came off my second cycle of ketamine infusion March 16. The first week of March I was doing so great. My pain was 7.5/10. That is good for me. But the last week and a half my headache is back to 9 and 10. Don't know why. My next cycle will start April 5. I hope things can get back on track. I have been up and about but the last few days I am not feeling great with the increase in pain. Also I am not sleeping great, having trouble voiding, awaiting a urology consult as I might need to do cathetherizations, terribly dry mouth, going to look at getting some biotine products which help in saliva production. I will be talking to my dr. that is doing the infusions about seeing if I can decrease my Oxycodone as I am sure this is the major factor in all these problems. i feel like my body is just a terrible mess. I am certainly starting to feel down again! Going to get some bloodwork done on Monday to check liver functions and other.
I sure have missed you all!! hope you don't mind if I lean on your shoulders for a bit!!