Dear Lori,
The family is good. My girls 3rd quarter assessments went well and both are ready to transition to the next grade level next fall. Though this is good news... I am a bit worried, because I know that when they are bored ...mischief soon follows... Hopefully their teachers can keep them engaged and busy til the end of the year.
Yes! My jewelry is coming along nicely. I am very pleased. I was able to get some tools upgraded and that helped tremendously. I have also been keeping a "Jewelry journal" with my sketches and pictures of what the final pieces turned out to be. I just don't have digital pictures yet. I blame my husband and his ever increasing "to do" list!
I did run into one small problem..well, monitary problem really.. After mailing out so many sets to family members for Christmas gifts.. the calls started coming in for jewelry sets for their other family members and friends. Which at first was wonderful! And made me feel just ten feet tall! But, at this point I better start figuring out how much to charge for a set because I am loosing a lot of money.
I hate knowing you have to wait for the PMT device. I wish there were some way you could get it put in early and send the bill to your old doctor. What a mess he has caused! Are you sure your battery wont run out until the end of the year? 12 months just seems like such a long to endure through the kind of excruiciating pain you deal with daily.
Oh my goodness you son is a sweet heart! No doubt about it. Oh you must be so proud! To watch him follow his dreams must feel so good.
I think, for me, the hardest thing about being a parent is letting them make their own mistakes. A good example : I cant tell you how many times I have prevented my little bumblebees from playing "Ice skating socks" in the kitchen for fear of bonked heads and ouchies. In the end they always end up doing what ever it was I was trying to "protect" them from and getting hurt in the process *sigh* I hope I can learn to calm down about it eventually.
Okay, I see my tendancy to chatt away with you hasn’t changed a bit!
*warm huggs*