I had to call the pm doctors office today. I woke up around 1:30am and just felt achy all over so I took bt med along with tylenol and felt somewhat better. By 9:00am I was feeling some chills along with the overall aches so went to bed and stayed there, kept using the tylenol. I took my temperature this morning but it was normal. I fell asleep around noon and obviously the tylenol wore off so I checked my temp again and it was 102.2. My injection site looks just fine with no excessive redness or soreness. The office said to continue with tylenol every 4 hours and watch for any redness or swelling.
I've posted in the past on here about having the feeling of overall achiness, chills, lowgrade fever and just not feeling well. I've told the physician assistant that I see about my symptoms but she normally just blows me off. My next appointment is with the pm doctor and I am going to push this harder. I've seen my pcp when feeling like this but they can't find any signs of infection through blood or urine tests.
I felt fine yesterday before the procedure with no signs of fever. This stuff always just comes on fast and goes away after a few days to a week. I am going to ask them to complete updated blood work at my next visit. One of our members had mentioned polymyalgia rheumatica and when I searched the web for this I have most all of the symtoms. I'll let you know if I get better.
SE, my rf was below my fusion in the facet joints. Beth, how long did your relief from the rf last?
Thanks everyone for the well wishes. Sorry I haven't been posting much here lately but sometimes I get too much on my plate and have to cut back somewhere.