Hey Suzane,
I am responding to your question from the other post. My headaches are daily and have been since I was around 18. They are in the front top of my head, like in my forehead and about halfway back. Not one sided although my migraines are sometimes more to the left. My migraines are usually triggered by the chronic headache, I think. The reason I think this is becasue when the daily headache starts getting worse than a 5 or a 6 on the pain scale it usually leads to a migraine. My daily headache without pain meds is usually about a 5, thankfully my meds keep it around a 3 sometimes less. It is always there though from when I wake until i go to bed.
I have had a ton of tests done, all normal although I did show some demylentation (SP?) on my brain in the cat scan (my doc was worried about MS) but then the MRI which is more detailed showed it was not MS. I have tried tons of different meds for migraines and nothing works. The only thing that brings me any relief is the oxycontin. I am on 160mgs a day (60am 40afternoon and 60pm). As far as the dx, that was what the last nuerologist(SP?) dx'd it as as well as my primary. I wonder if it's from the fibro as my doc seems to think but isn't 100 percent sure.
I was in a car accident in which we rear ended someone who was stopped. The brakes went out of our car and because I had some warning that we were going to hit them I put my feet on the dash to brace myself. I know now this was not the smartest thing to do. My headaches and migraines started shortly after that. The pain managment doc who did botox and a facet nerve rhizotomy in my neck says I have alot of muscle spasms in my neck that could be causing them, but muscle relaxants don't help, so i don't know.
How about you? What kind of head pain do you have? I see what they are called in your signature but what are they like? Are you getting any relief? If so, from what? I sure wish we could find some miracle cure! I am just starting my SSDI paperwork, did it take you long to get it? Did you get it for migraines or do you have other dx's? My main reason for not being able to work is the head pain (that's why I am asking) Headaches completely consume my whole being. Even after all these years I still cannot cope when the pain is bad I cannot concentrate on anything else. Just lay in my dark room with an icepack on my head. I wish I had more answers for you, it is so frustrating! I am really glad to finally meet you! Take care and good luck with your treatment, hope to talk again soon!