Ok, for those of you that may know, I am using intermittent FMLA for my job, so that means that if I need to take hrs or days off
I will not get in trouble thru work for it. In order to do this, I needed to have my rhuemy fill the paperwork out. So, I asked the receptionist (there are three different area's where the doctor can fill out) to have her fill out hours per week as opposed to days per month, hours per month. Well...they never faxed the paperwork to my insurance co, so I get a notice from my FMLA people saying that I have been denied do to them not receivng any paperwork. So...I go there on Friday and get the paperwork, they charge $25.00 for paperwork, which I was aware of...so as I am leaving the doctors office downstairs, I read what my doctor wrote, it says I can have 2-3 days per month to be out due to Fibro. So I take it back up to the office and say, I would like to have this changed, well my doctor is no vacation so she would not be able to do anything with it until today.
I called bright and early today to see what was going on, I was told that my doctor said she would NOT change the paperwork. I paused (really had nothing to say at this point) I said well, can you leave a message for her to call me? She said it is her first day back, she is swamped and she said it prolly would not be able to get back to me until tomorrow.
I told the receptionist, I didn't want to argue with my doctor, I just wanted to know her reasoning behind this. So she said she could prolly find out and get back to me. I'm feeling like this may be it for me and that it's time I see the pain management doctor that tshe was talking about. She is obviously way too busy and not really to interested in my situation to care about this.
I feel that 2-3 days a month is not enough. Some weeks, like last week...I went all week with out needed to take any time, but then other times, I may need 2-3 days in a row if I am flaring.
Any thoughts on this??? I'm going to post in my other forum too "Chronic Pain"