Suzane, You are the best!!! I know this is off topic but I must share this w/ everyone! The mail lady came today and started honking her horn which meant she had something for us that needed to be signed for. With Rose the wonderhound barking like crazy I went down to the gate to see what she had. A package from Ottawa, Ca.????? Hmmmm, now who could this be from?? After signing for the M.L. I looked at the return name and it was from Suzane!!!
Back to the house I rushed> well faster than normal anyway, I'm not the speedster I used to be! I opened the package and it was some Canadian Fish batter and some blackening spice for fish!!! Wow!! Thanks so much Suz!!! Now I'm gonna have to go fishing!!! My fridg broke last week and all the fish I had frozen spoiled!> Dagnabit!!! now I have a good excuse to go fishin again!!! Thanks you sooooo much! That was such a nice thing for you to do!!!
Anyway, I just wanted everyone to know that being family is more than just wordspeak to some good peeps here!!! Maybe oneday You, your hubby and my wife and I will try out this special fish batter on some fresh fish we catch together!!!!
Much love and a Big Giant Hug comin acha!!!