You said(" now this morning it's bulging out again right from when i woke up not doing anything.. it;s painful to touch, got raditating pain in my right leg like a burning feeling in my upper thigh and sometimes it goes down to my ankle.. " ) What is bulging out and where is this bulge? If it is in your abdomin or groin area, and it is very very painful?? If it is, then maybe a trip back to the ER might be the best thing to do, or call them, most hospitals have a Triage nurse and she might be of great help to you, and be able to assess your situation and let you know if you should go to the ER or not! Make sure you document what you were doing the "when, how's and why's of the situation" Also your pain levels and where your pain is! Although most of the time Hernia's are just a nuisance, that have to be watched. and monitored,... Hernia's can sometimes become medical emergencies, that require prompt medical attention! And of course allot depends on the type of hernia it is! Reguardless it should be diagnosed and monitored by a medical professional. I do wish you well and hope that everything works out well for you!
White Beard