My fiance brought up a good point. I have my routine CP medications to handle my regular pain. Why don't they work on acute or postop pain?
It began with the acute, stabbing pains caused by the regrown ovary and cyst, and that was unrelieved by the fentanyl patch. Doctors believed something was wrong if I had that type of pain through fentanyl patches because it had worked so well for me on the CP. But even though we asked, why did it not work? Why does it not work on my incisional pain? Why do I have to add more medication to relieve this surgical pain? Is it simply the body's way of telling me that something really is wrong and not to ignore it?
Today I wished I had never even thought of having surgery with CP. The stabbing pains are gone, but I am so tired, listless even, and unable to do the simplest of tasks. I know I just had surgery on Thursday and I need to give my body a break, but I can't stand being still all day. The constant naps are beginning to get to me. I am not used to caring for my needs first. It goes against all I have done as a mom.
I am praying that you all have good day. Its so good to see Tina back and have support and friends who have experienced what can be such scary things before, to guide and help us through those moments. Thank you!