Sorry that you are suffering from pain issues....but glad you posted! I do have fibro... the best way I can describe it is a widespread aching through every muscle in my body and several joints. I've got "tender points" throughout my body - back, arms, hips, so forth. It's like a deep, to the bone, aching.
It's been quite a few years since I was diagnosed - but it's partly by exclusion of other diseases; but also you need the criteria to be diagnosed w/ fibro, including having (I think, but please don't quote me) 11 out of 18 tender points, as well as other symptoms. I was diagnosed by my rheumatologist. I've got a zillion other pain issues, but this is one of my most long-standing.
Anyway, self-diagnosis is difficult because there are really so many things it could be. Do you have a family practice doctor you could start with to see what's going on? From there, you could visit a pain management doc and/or a rheumatologist, based upon their recommendations.
Good luck to you! Hope to see you posting more.