Hey Fam's & Peeps!
I was reading though some posts and came across this one! Yes, I guess I have been MIA for a while now but I hope that you know that I am still around thinking and praying for All> Y'all!
I've been crazy busy for a while now w/ taking my Mom up north (that took some recovery time!) Dr's apts> still seeing my wonderful pain doc! He gave me a steroid shot in my torn achilese tendon again last week! It had been six months since my last and it was really acting up after my trip!
Also still seeing My Urologist and waiting for the results of a blood test I have every six months. Anyone who has had cancer knows that evan though it's been a while, these tests are always stresssful to wait for!
Then there is the sleep apnea doc who I really don't care for very much> thinking about getting a new one but thats not high on the priority list right now.
Right now I'm waiting for info to come on my SSD vertict and what to expect as far as $$, taxes and shyster fees! Although the Judge told me my verdict was "favorable" I still want to see it in writing and get that pay back check although I know it will not be as large as I hoped cause of the no good for poop bottom feeding laywers and Uncle Sam taking back what he just gave me for taxes> Still don't get that!!
So, to be honest about not posting as much as I used to> The Face Book has taken over my "Puter time" almost completely! Ever since I joined it, I've been hooking up w/ friends from the past! It's overwelming! I can't just ignor these people, some were very good friends lost over time and now back like crazy! Every time I log on to my puter, there are 20 or more messages and friends who find me wanting to be friends! It's insane but cool cause friends from pre high school, H.S. (my 40th reunion this year!) college, my party years, and friends from all the places I've lived before I moved to Fla. 25 years ago!
So thats really the reason, it has nothing to do w/ Yuze Peeps! If I tried to keep up w/ all my "puter friends & fams" I'd be sitting here all day long pecking away!
So I hope Y'all undersatnd! I'll try to pop in every once in a while so Y'all still know I'm alive!!!
All for now!
Love All Y'all>>> BIG GIANT FAT GUY HUGZ for Everyone!!!
Your Old Buddy,