Hi Lahaina, Welcome to HW:)...We would love to learn more about
you and it would be great if you could introduce yourself by posting your own thread..
**In this thread...it turns out that CVS Caremark are the OP's insurance company...not just the Pharmacy...***
I just wanted to say that one's Pharmacist should actually be an important member of your health care team...
By law...a Pharmacist is absolutely allowed to contact your Dr. just as the Dr. contacts the Pharmacist for any issues they deem to be of a concern..
They are also allowed to reject any type of prescription if there is a concern...just like some Pharmacies have the 'morning after' pill, and others don't....
There are new laws that are going to be in every state...and in a lot of them now like where I live in VA...That has a Statewide monitoring system for prescriptions...So if I filled a narcotic prescription at one Pharmacy, and then went to another the next day...it would come up in the system that I filled one yesterday and then would contact their Dr. or tell the patient to do this and refuse the fill.
This is to help prevent people who 'Dr. shop' by going from one to the other getting different prescriptions..
As well as some Dr. periodically request a printout from the Pharmacy about the prescriptions filled by their patient and all the fill dates...
So...that is why most of here recommend finding a Pharmacy that you like, and actually becoming friendly with the staff there so that they do know you, and know your situation...
I have been going to mine for 10 years which is a Sam's club Pharmacy...My Pharmacist knows all my surgeries...all of the meds I have been on over the years...and has helped me at times when they didn't get their shipment on time...
I'm glad that you have found a good one at a 'mom and pop'....but there can be good/bad one's no matter how big or small...It's just about finding a good fit for each person...and then make them part of your 'team'...
Hope to learn more about you with a thread of your own:)
Post Edited (Snowbunny21) : 6/22/2011 5:02:37 PM (GMT-6)