Thanks for sharing your story w/ us.... I'm so sorry you went through all of that.
I could write several of these posts myself. From nurses not listening to me when I've told them the IV had blown (and then my arm swelling up and all of that)..... to me telling them that none of the veins in my AC work - and them still insist of trying (I don't let them do this anymore).
Now, I just show them the 2 or 3 places that they might be able to get an IV.... I give them a couple of tries.... and then it's straight to my neck or getting a PICC line. One day - I'll get a port... but it's just another thing I'm trying to put off.
Anyway, thanks for sharing your experience.
I have a port and I just thought I'd share my experience. It's the best thing ever. I had it put in about 6 years ago. My veins then only lasted 3 hours max with a cannula and that is still this case now (had to have a cannula a couple of times this year for ops as only trained people can use my port and there was noone else available.) It means that if I want to do home IV's I can do, without the worry of my veins collapsing as I live an hour away from the hospital. My port is siuated on the left of my chest wall, the only time it gets in the way is when I go to a theme park as I can't go on any of the rides with bars that come over my chest (my favourite type of rides :( I still wear bikinis and tops that show my scar as really there's othing for me to feel embarrased about, I would be lost without my port.
You also can get pass-ports which are put in the crook of your arm. I don't think they last as many years as a port does but apprently they are as easy as a regular port.
I get very stroppy with hospital staff not doing what they should be doing, they have done a similar thing to me before and usually if they haven't come within half an hour of my arm starting to swell and hurt, I just pull out the cannula myself. They left me overnight once when I was on 24 hour fluids, they were supposed to change it about 2 hours after me going to sleep, but they never did. Woke up in the morning to another wrecked vein. Thankfully I've never had clots because of their negligence. I'm sorry to hear they made things so bad for you.