Hello Sosickandtired, I am nini53/kathy, which ever name you prefer is great with me. So sorry to hear about
your back, it sounds awful.
I am know of some of the meds you are taking, the others mobic, nortal and one more that starts with an L, I dont feel like going down again and getting back up here, but for the ones I do not recognize I will look them up.
Are your pain meds not doing a good job of relieving your pain? I guess thats a dumb question, of course they are not. None of us get the reduction in pain that we are looking for. I would think you would be on stronger pain meds from what you describe your problems as being.
I cant imagine what you must be going thru. Hopefully in not a long time you will get the meds you need to help with what must be awful pain.
I will be praying for you and hope things get better for you soon. Take care.