Good evening from Maine. I am new to this but it appears to be a good support forum. So with that being said....I'd like some opinions on Shoulder Replacement Surgery.
1990 - Thrown from a horse, dislocated my right shoulder, damaged my rotator cuff.
1996 - Right shoulder surgery to fix the damage from 1990.
2005 - Slipped and fell and during the fall, I grabbed a railing with my right hand.
My body went down but not without dislocating my shoulder yet again.
2007 - Right shoulder surgery again...fixing:
Rotator cuff, bone spurs, fluid removal
Ever since the surgery in 2007, my shoulder hasn't been right. I still feel the surgeon didn't do his job properly. Last year I dislocated my shoulder again and put it back myself. This year I've noticed the pain has been increasing more and more and the use of my arm is less and less despite the PT I do at home to try and strengthen my shoulder.
Just over a week ago I met with a surgeon, he did some X-Rays. Stated that the first thing he saw was a chunk of bone broken off, just sitting there. I thought he said a chip but he corrected me and said it's s decent size chunk....okay.....but he wanted a clearer picture of what was going on so he sent me right in for an MRI.
Yesterday (September 2, 2011) I had my follow up appointment with him to go over the MRI results.
He said that in addition to the broken bone, I do have some fluid, it's bone to bone, severe arthritis and slight cuff damage. He said the only option I have is a total shoulder replacement. He doesn't do that specific surgery but another Dr in his office specializes in shoulder, hip and knee replacements only.
He did recommend trying a cortisone shot while I take some time to think about
it. Also, to follow guidelines of the insurance company, I have to go to their physical therapy center for 3 visits for evaluations. I hesitated about
the cortisone (petrified of needles) but since I was there, I agreed. When he felt around to mark the spot for the injection he was pressing fairly a matter of fact, my shoulder started dislocating while he was doing that. So we stabilized my arm and he did the injection. OMG - horror! Actually, I was in worse pain after than I have been in in a long time. I'm still in pain. My regular Dr called me in some pain medicine to help. It helps some-what but when that wears off, I know it.
Last night I picked up my script
s...was speaking with the pharmacist (whom I've known for years), told him what was going on. He had a similar issue a few years ago with his hip. His Dr told him....(and this is a great point for me to remember). Even though this may only last 10-20 will improve the quality of your life now. In my case, I'm 38 years old....they say I'm a little young to do this I sit and suffer for another 10 years before doing it? I think improving my quality now makes more sense. I mean we all know how fast technology is growing, who knows what they will be able to do in 10-20 years if/when I need another procedure...right?
Anyone on here that has had or knows someone who has had a replacement?
How did you make your decision....
Do you regret your decision...
Recovery time....
What should I ask the specialist when I meet with him....
I would appreciate any and all feedback......I'm extremely nervous and unsure.
Thank you in advance for your help -
Lisa from Maine