Hello, I feel so sorry for those in Fla, again everyone gets penilized for the actions of a few. I say a few because most of the people coming into the pill mills did not even live in Fla. I heard of a flight out of West VA. that was called the oxy express, as I think I read this plane ran 24-7.
I also read people coming in from Kentucky, Tenn, and other place once word got round.
Although I do not believe for a minute that the state of Fla, only became aware of the pill mills due to the media. I believe some money had to be exchanged at a high level in Fla politics. Its not possible they did not know anything about them. But money was spent in the state of Fla, and I believe that had the media not been nosing around for there documentaries.
Now you the people who depend on these meds to have a good quality of life are punished. I suggest you fight fire with fire, contact your Representatives, Senate, Congress, and tell your stories. Let the media, who I feel is the cause of all the negative positions on this problem, but remember, you vote them into office, you can vote them out. As for the media, they need to see the faces of all of you that are negatively affected by people, who for the most part, do not live in Fla.
Take care, and good luck to you, I will be sending prayers to all who are suffering.