Does anyone else suffer from Guillain Barre Syndrome?
Yes - 50.0% - 1 votes
No - 0.0% - 0 votes
Yes and I have relapsed. - 50.0% - 1 votes
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Joined : Nov 2011
Posts : 5
Posted Today 4:02 PM (GMT 0)
I was not sure where to post this and came to the chronic pain one because I feel this the best place to post this.
My name is Theresa (Most call me that :)) I just turned 39 years old. I am a wife of 19 years and a mother of 4 children. I was diagnosed with GBS (Guillain Barre Syndrome) in 2008 (The end and have relapsed) and was in the hospital for several months, a wheelchair for a long time, and had to use a cane for a long time (Still do from time to time) and had to learn to do everything all over again.
There has been a lot of changes in my life. I have severe pain and I go back and forth with the doctor from Loratabs to Percocets, etc. I did get off 26 different medications, but have still have several that I take PRN. Such as Adavan, Lunesta, and Phenegan. Also, my pain medications. I do other things to try to maintain a low pain level.
However, there has been many changes in my life recently, such as going back to college full-time, and the recent lost of my step-son (that I raised since he was a wee one) that was killed by a rear-end accident on October 29, 2011. My pain level has been extremely high, and I went and saw my doctor today. I know I have been depressed lately as well and think that all the stress has caused this. Therefore, They have put me on Loratabs (10 mg 4x's a day *Which I've been on for a long time now*) Ultram (50 mg 2x's a day *This is very new to me) and Zoloft (25 mg for 7 days and then 50 mg after that.)
The reason I am mentioning this is because there are 2 medications, Ultram and the Zoloft that are new to me and I 'd like to have opinions on this. I wish not to find myself back on a lot of medications. I do have a lot of permanent damage to the GBS, but I do not want to disable myself. I have strived and pushed myself to the max, and refuse to lay back for this to defeat me. Any and all opinions would be helpful.
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Joined : Feb 2003
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Posted Today 5:41 PM (GMT 0)
Hello and welcome aboard. Wow, what a story you have to tell. I always say everyone here has a different story to tell as to what has brought them to to this forum.
Considering all of the medical obstacles that you have overcome, I can certainly say you are an incredibly strong individual. I think it is wonderful that you have gone back to college full time. But have to wonder if perhaps a full time load may be a little too much starting out. I am sorry to read about the loss of your of your step son. Dealing with CP is a full time job for many of us. Your stress level seems to be over the top and I do wish you well with your schooling. I take Zoloft and started out on 75mg and 2 weeks later increased to 150mg. Obviously your dr is starting you out on a very low dose. Depression and CP seem to go hand in hand and many times once the depression is under control people will see a reduction in their pain levels. After you have increased it and you do not feel much of a difference you really need to let the dr know. I was on Ultram a very long time ago but I could not tolerate it. As long as you stay on low doses and they help you I don't see where you could get into a lot of trouble.
Anyway, I wanted to pop on and tell you welcome aboard. Please keep us posted on how you are doing. Take care.
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Joined : Nov 2011
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Posted Today 7:47 PM (GMT 0)
Thank you so much Straydog for welcoming me here. I was hesitant to really write all the medications that I was going on and what was going on with me, however I wanted to get other people's opinion of what they thought and how they felt. When I lost my step-son that I had raised I was already just short of 4 weeks before my exams. I took a week and a little off, the professors have been awesome to work with me. However, I am going to just take 3 classes next semester. Just studying History that I love :)
Thank you for the information regarding the medications. I am relieved to hear that they are starting me on a low dose and after a 1 week I will go up only to 50. We thought about going back to Neurotin, but really decided against it since I had such high side effects with that. I am just praying that it gets me over the bump of all that has happened. I have to be a strong person for my husband (we have been married 19 years) and our children (This has been very difficult for them also).
I was wondering if you would think about maybe having a place for Guillain Barre Syndrome. I noticed that you had a lot of other things that you guys have folders for, but with the H1N1 shot there has even been more cases of GBS. I would love to be able to really have just support and knowing I am not alone in this healing process.
Thank you again for the welcome and I am really excited to be part of a healing forum where people can talk about their feelings, their lives, and their struggles! It is so great to know that you are not alone in your physical healing no matter what the obstacles may be!
Forum Moderator
Joined : Feb 2003
Posts : 19850
Posted Today 8:12 PM (GMT 0)
I don't have any say with the owner/administrator of HW about possible new forums, lol. I suggest that you drop him an email here at the forum and let him know you are interested in seeing this as a new forum. In the past a time or two I have seen him post here & other forums asking for ideas for potential new ones.