First off I want to welcome you to Healing Well Chronic Pain Forum, I really am glad you found us and have posted on our forum. We might not be able to cure you, but I do guarantee that you will find allot of compassionate, caring support! Helpful advice, and you will never be alone with your pain again! You have family here that understand about having chronic pain, and people not only can sympathize with you, but even better they can empathize with you! So again I want to welcome you to our chronic pain forum!
You sure have went through allot for your young age, I am truely sorry that you have had to experience so much in the way of pain at such a young age. It just doesn't seem fair, that you have had to endure so much, a person your age, should be enjoying college and all that incompasses that experience, and not have to be burdened with dealing with such extremely painful conditions. DestituteYouth, have you tried guided imagery, or biofeed back to help deal with your pain? Have you ever been referred to a pain management specialist? Or have talked with a pain psychologist? I would suggest you talk with your Doctor and ask about ways to deal with your pain, and ask about seeing a pain specialist, and using different treatments to try and get your pain under control.
And of course come to our forum and post, this is a great place to come and vent your frustrations, resulting from your pain and the treatment of it, or the lack of treatment for it. As I said we might not be able to rid you of your pain, but we will always lend you our ears and listen to you, and let you know you are not alone! As they say misery loves company, and here on this forum you have plenty of company! When your here your apart of our forum family!
I wish you well and do hope you can find some kind of relief to your pain soon!
White Beard