Hi again Stray and thanks for the info
I've got both Baclofen and Bupivacaine. The Baclofen for my dystonia and spasms, and the Bupivacaine actually helps a lot with the burning pain - I'd no idea it was only intended to help with meds adhering to receptors like you've been told!
I'm not sure what the concentration of the Bupivacaine is offhand but I've had it in the pump for maybe 2 1/2 years at the same concentration. The numbness is pretty sudden in onset - and only since the pain in my lower back got worse. It's not there all the time either - it's worst when I'm stuck sitting - e.g. in the car when I can't move - and I pass through pain and start going numb.
I have a lot of respect for my PM, but I'm certain he's made the wrong call on this one. I know he's the doc (though if he really wanted to argue the point, I'm one too...), but I spent enough time at uni studying neuroanatomy to have a good idea of what I'm talking about
. The big difficulty I'm having is as I said - that the CT showed the bulges, but no cord or nerve root compromise. I think from that, he's trying to argue that they're likely to be an incidental finding rather than the cause of the pain.
What I've discussed with my GP and my physio (who specialises in neuro disorders) and what the three of us believe - is that because there is so much more pressure on the discs when you're sitting as against lying down, that those small bulges ARE impinging on something when I sit. The difficulty is just working out how to show it and what to do about
it. I think I'm going to talk to my GP again this week - he did offer me another CT when I saw him last week to see if anything has changed in the two months since the last scan and I decided I'd speak to my PM first. I'm sure he'd also sort out a referral for me too if I asked. I'll say it again - that I know I've got it a lot better than a lot of people, but I'm pretty close to non functional at the moment. I'm getting maybe 2 hours of broken sleep in 24 and if not for you guys and a handful of other friends online I'd be insane.