Hi. I planned to get on here sooner, but - the pain has been SO BAD I'm really struggling. The electric kind that comes suddenly and makes you yell and gasp and grab the painful area (in my case, my low back-butt) until it passes. Sciatica, I'm thinking it must be.
I've had fibro for many years, and back pain even more, but this is way beyond anything I can remember. I'm hoping it's not permanent nerve damage because it's really hard to endure.
I can't even use the computer much - I'm standing up while typing this - why I don't know, but sitting in a chair aggravates it more than anything. If I'm careful I can sit on the couch.
I have 2 ruptured discs, L4-5 and L5-S1. I felt it happen, or at least felt the pain come, 2 weeks ago. My usual Tramadol helped some but, increasingly, not enough. Norco has been sort of taking the edge off, but I think the Celebrex I took today worked better even better.
Anyone who's gone through this have any advice? Good or bad recoveries? How do you spell relief???