I've so been there, done that.
I can think of a recent incident in which I was helping someone change a flat tire. 10 minutes of sweat and work that "pulls" like that is all it takes.
Working out, I try to be careful, but I also try for some lower end weight lifting. For the chest, just straigh push-ups, and low end weights for the arms. Some crunches to help stregnthen the core and moderate cardio (I have to be very careful here to as low-moderate cardio is usually fine but even something like running 2 or 3 miles, instead of power walking it = PAIN).
I am sorry for your pain and can completely relate. I like to not feel helpless and well I'm 32 so I like to consider myself mobile. Then of course I over do it and realize that the pain meds have their limitations and that my crushed disc is not something most 32 year olds would have.