Hi everyone. I called yesterday to get my doctor to refill my pain meds. I had a message on my phone when I got up that said the script
s were ready to pick up. I called them to ask them to send the script
s to my pharmacy. The receptionist told me they have a new policy. Because so many pain script
s have been lost, they no longer send them thru the mail. She talked to someone and came back and said they would send them to the pharmacy.
That's not the frustrating part. I thought I had everything worked out, and my pcp was going to prescribe my pain meds, but I guess not. The receptionist told me that my doctor wanted me to find a pain management dr. That she doesn't prescribe them. She said they refer their pain patients to a local hgospital's pain management.
I called the hospital. The man that answered the phone told me that they no longer have pain management there. He referred me to the number. It said they had moved, their address and phone number. I called the number and the lady told me they were not taking any new patients. She asked me what insurance I have. I told her I have Medicaid. She took my name and number and said she would call me when they started to take new patients.
Everything is so screwed up again. I am very frustrated and angry. I wish the DEA and whoever else is after the pill mills and all the ones that are screwing with our pain meds would let it go, and leave us alone. It's so unfair.
I told them the last time that I had called all the pain management doctors that I could find, and that none of them would take my insurance. I guess my dr. is hard headed. I'm so upset. My pain is so bad right now. I can't relax because I'm worried about
what's to come.
I can't remember who it was that lists vitamins, minerals, etc., but could you list them again? I would like to do some research on them and maybe get some of them. I sure would appreciate it. I'm sorry I can't remember your name.
I'm sorry this is so long. I just had to get it out.
Everyone take care.
love and hugs