Not to confuse everyone, but from what I have read, the government want to get all schedule II meds on their TERF-REM program. It first began either last year or the year before and it only included the new fentanyl-transmucosal meds Onsolis(a film you put on your gumline), Abstral(a tablet) and Lazanda(a nose spray). This year beginning in March, they added the more common Actiq(pop) and Fentora(a fizzer tablet).
What the program requires is that any doctor prescribing these meds gets extra training, registers with the government. He then has to register any patient on these meds and the patients have to be educated on all the risks of these kinds of meds, and then only registered pharmacies can dispense these meds.
They hope to have all schedule II drugs on it in the future but we will see. Actually it is not really a bad program. Most pharmacies end up registering for it and most PM's will as well. It's t stop accidental OD's and doctors prescribing it for wrong reasons. For example I read where a doc prescribed a teen the fentanyl pops for a broken wrist! Ah no! Kid had never taken any pain med before and they can only be prescribed to patients taking a LA narcotic.
There is a 1-800 number for patients if they have any questions.