I am new to the site but not to dealing with chronic pain. My chronic pain odyssey began 20 years ago when I had the first of 6 sinus surgeries. I know some people may think sinus surgery how could that cause chronic pain? In order to stop the spread of infection particularly from reaching my brain my ENT removed the infected tissue in my sinuses. He was very careful and removed the smallest amount that he thought he could. Unfortunately it left me with something that is called Empty Nose Syndrome. My present ENT explains it as such...there are areas of the inside of my skull that are open to the air that should not be. Because of all the infections the nerves act as if there is an infection when there is not, it also causes crusting inside my nose...think really big, really hard buggers. I started with a TENS unit, some help, nerve blocks, no help, and sphenopalantine blocks with liquid cocaine some help but did not last long. Once I jumped through these hoops with not much success I was placed on methadone and it gave me back my life. Within 1 week of starting the methadone I felt incredible. Over the next 3-4 years I went back to school tp get another degree and to change my career. I finished my program with a 4.0 GPA and passed my board exams on the first try. I have been employed in the health care field for the last 15 years and have not taken one day off due to my chronic pain. During this time I have been to 3 pain management clinics and have been lucky with each of them. I left my first one when we left the area and they went from seeing stable patients quarterly to having to go every month to pick up my script and it was possible that the doc there on that day might not like what you were on and they could refuse to write your script but I would have gladly made the 3 hour drive once a month if I did not find clinic #2. This doc was rather nortorious in the area but he understood chronic pain and treated you accordingly, his visits included taping all encounters and with me he closed his dictation with "Treatment goal is to keep pt working and paying taxes". Two years ago he retired but once again I was luckly to find a great provider that understood what I needed but of course in less than 6 months she left that clinic because of too heavy a patient load. I got lucky again when she openned a clinic right in the small town I live in. I do consider myself very lucky in that I was able to find people who cared about me and my pain.
Right now I am doing the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. After all of these years I am coming off methadone and it is a bear. I tried a fast wean but the withdrawl symptoms were almost unbearable even taking oxycodone 15 mgs IR for the pain. I went back on methadone at half my previous dose and am weaning slowly. My goal is to get off everything to see just what pain is there. My pain doc is very supportive and wishes more of her patients understood about receptor sites. Please wish me luck and send prayers my way. The goal to be off everything by the end of the year. Currently I am on 25 mg of methadone(down from 60mg) and 3 to 4 15 mg oxycodone for breakthrough a day. As I said I need all the positive energy I can get.
chronic atypical facial pain, Empty Nose Syndrome.