Posted 12/12/2012 3:54 AM (GMT 0)
Hi Artist,
Welcome to HW! This is an incredibly supportive forum, so if you are in need of support, you've come to the right place! While we all have different conditions, we all understand pain, and the effect that it has on all aspects of our lives.
I don't have any experience with exalgo myself, although I do take hydromorphone. If you just started this med, it may take some tweaking to find the right dosage for you. I know it isn't always easy to ask for a med increase, especially with the huge stigma that there is regarding pain medications, and people who take them long term, but it is also up to us as patients to be our own advocates.
Sometimes keeping a pain journal for a few weeks can help to show your doctor if/when a med increase would be helpful. It is tough because pain is such a subjective thing, and everyone's bodies have different tolerance levels to both pain, and pain medication. If your doctor isn't taking you seriously, then perhaps it is time to switch doctors. Just like anything else, some are better than others. Having your doctor always make you feel guilty for just wanting to be able to function as well as possible, and to live a normal life, doesn't sound healthy to me. Yes, maybe your doctor won't approve a med increase, but they shouldn't make you feel so bad about it. There are ways to say no, and still treat the patient with respect!
Anyways, I hope you find some of this helpful. I'm sure other members will be along soon to welcome you, and help you in any way that they can! Once again, welcome to HW! Do let us know how things go tomorrow, and in the future. Everyone here really does care!