I am a sweet freak!! I cant actually see how Hostess went bankrupt as I have to have been contributing thousands of dollars in their company!!!
Now Little Debbie is getting it. LOl
It isnt however my pain issues that cause it so much as the methadone I use to treat it. Many opiates cause cravings of sweets and it is simply just that behind the reason that caused me to gain 30 lbs in the first year of using it 12 yrs ago and now keeping that weight on satisfying that craving.
My Dr stays on me all the time!!! The atempts at stopping smoking added to that and although I am by no means grossly obese I am 20 lbs over my normal weight standards.
You would think that the walking and hydro pool would help but I am stuck so might as well enjoy my donut sticks for now.
Talking about
it has made me think of those boxes in the pantry.