My pain started over a month ago on the right side, waist level. It radiated across my back and to my left side. The pain is so severe It hurts like hell to cough or have a bowel movement because of the pushing. I have been to the Er twice. The first time they told me it was a UTI, I have had 3 of those in my lifetime and never experienced this kind of pain. They did an ultra sound on my kidneys, blood work and urine analysis. I was given the antibiotic Cephalexin 500 mgs. I got no relief from the pain what so ever. I went back to the Er and had more blood work, urine analysis and xrays. They told me I had 2 old spinal injuries and gave me a low dose of Hydrocodone. The pain is unbearable, the meds don't even begin to touch it. I can't sleep because the pain is worst when I lye down. I can't bear this pain much longer, I don't know what to do. I haven't been able to get into see my Dr. because I go to a low income clinic and they only book 24 hours and the appointments go fast. Does anyone else have, or has had this and could shed some light on it? I am desperate!!