…just a note: …every pharmacy is different, even if it is the same name brand pharmacy. I tried for 4 months to get a local Walgreens to carry my Nucynta, and each time they failed. It depends who is running it, and the tech's told me that the new Manager was not running this one as efficiently as the last one. I had enough and switched to a different one, with no problems thus far.
…I'm not bashing Walgreens here, as it is obvious they serve thousands, if not millions of patients each and every day. Just making a point..needed or not, LOL…that each one may be different.
….another side note: If you are under contract with your PM/Dr…and part of the contract is the use of a certain pharmacy like mine is, then by all means call your Dr and let them know what is going on. They may even suggest a specific pharmacy that is costumer friendly with few reported problems by their patients. We have Ktrac's here in Kansas, and they watch the multiple pharmacy usage by patients. If you report,... to your Dr, the needed pharmacy change, then there will be a record of it in his patients notes…and there should be no problem,.. if it is looked into by authorities. Our Local Law enforcement has access to the Ktrac's records as well. My son inLaw is a State Trooper here in Kansas, and has access to it if needed.
The Walgreens pharmacist said they got their shipments in on Fridays, and they missed the first Friday getting it in..and I was not about
to wait another 7 days being on pain meds. The new pharmacy, can get their meds in,... within 2 working days! Hallelujah!
We as chronic pain patients cannot afford sloppy or non detailed Pharmacist who lack understanding their costumers needs. You are your own best advocate!
I agree with Snowbunny and Tina here, in that if possible,... get to know your pharmacist!…it may make a difference in your costumer care results. My latest pharmacist calls me by name when I walk in, and greets me. They even called a week later and asked if there was anything they could do to make getting my script
s a better experience. Thats a first! LOL
Kathy, forgive me if we have drifted away from your original post a bit, and if I know you like I think I do, you will not mind!
…So!…Thanks for your compassionate understanding.