Tina caths like this can be tender and sensitive for a few weeks but usually the patient adjust to them very quickly and have no more problems. They are great for the patients and also for the medical staff that have to access them! I loved it when I had a patient on Onco with a port cath. So much easier to do blood draws and also give IV medications. The most important thing is proper care, so follow your doctors instructions to the Tee! Infections can happen but usually they come from improper care and access technique, which often can happen over time, and familiarity with the port. So please always be vigilant about
your port cath care. And make sure that the medical personnel that access it are also using proper procedures. These port caths are a direct line to your circulatory system, which is normally a closed system. So you want to make sure that no unwanted bugs get into it! They are great devices and can be a real Godsend, but if not treated properly they can be an invitation to a host of problems.
Anyway I am glad you got it, it will make things allot easier for you and your medical team. Take care my friend and I wish you all the best!
White Beard