rjbeck said...
I had the same problem from my last CP doc , they took my off of the methadone and put me on Exalgo but I have Medicare thru disability and my prescription was covered with a prior approval. I hated it and also found a new doctor and went back on the methadone. Just a heads up about the prescription program, Several of them will only help you if you are dead broke. No income.. If this doctor is worried about you being on 30mg's I really think it was a good idea that you found another doctor. Plus you are very lucky to find a doctor in NC that is accepting cash. for some reason most North Carolina pain doc's will not accept cash payments anymore. Good luck Randy..
Hey thanks for your input.
Well, I had my appointment with the PM this week, and just like the doc told me they decreased my methadone even more to 90. I was taking 3 (10mg) tabs 3 times a day. Now I am down to 1 (10mg) tab 3 times a day. This is a huge difference and my pain is not adjusting well. I was able to get the Exalgo filled and tried them. I wouldn't take them again if they were completely FREE. They did not work at all. So, now she has put me on OC 30mg. Take 1 every 12 hours.
Like I said in some of my earlier posts. I was able to find a doctor to get an appointment with. But, they are not a PM facility, and I am just unsure if they will keep me on the methadone. Most places now a days, trys to refer you to a PM clinic. Well, I am in the opposite end of the spectrum. I was already at a PM doc and need to go to a regular family doctor. So, time will tell. And after I have my first appointment with the "new" doc, I will drop in and let you guys know how it went. It sucks that now after all this time I am stuck trying to find a doctor to get the meds that "I KNOW" works for me. It is a constant game of cat and mouse.
I know there are good doctors that are genuinely concerned about
their patients well being, and that truly make all attempts possible to help you get out of pain. (or at least live a semi-normal life with the use of meds) So, the saga continues. https://www.healingwell.com/community/emoticons/shakehead.gif
Thanks again for everyone's idea, and input. It is good to know we understand where each other are coming from. Pain is a "REAL" thing. And it does affect your life in one way or another.
I will keep ya posted,