Hi, I have been browsing this forum I have may have a solution for a vast number of you. I am aware that a powerful antioxidant known as mangosteen which is lead to believe to help treat chronic back pain and other joint inflammation. I would really love to have a chat with some of you so please feel free to get in contact.
In a nutshell, a person I know suffers from this and the fruit mangosteen has anti inflammation effects on joints. I promise you this that I am passionate about
this product and really want to help you so please feel free to contact me and I can put you in the right direction maybe so you can find it in your local area. The product has the highest concentration of mangosteen on the market so if I can help you out it would really be great Furthermore as far as I am aware the product offers other antioxidants and minerals please get an email .over to me.
Josh, this is pretty much a duplicate post of your prior post and it is against forum rules to duplicate post. Also, please note that I have removed your email address as putting something like an email address on a public forum leaves you wide
open to be swamped with spam. The owner of this site would rather we not list our email address in posts. Thanks
Post Edited By Moderator (straydog) : 2/5/2014 4:56:05 PM (GMT-7)