My brief history:
One day, after 3 hours to eat in an Asian Restaurant, suddenly I felt a LOT of pain in my stomach, perhaps it sounds stupid but I want to tell you that since this moment the pain never resolved.
SInce then I have made several test:
Blood, orine, Gastroscopy , Colonoscopy, Helicobacter test, stool bacterial test
Every test have been ok, all normal.
But I still have a lot of pain and discomfort.
I have just visit my digestive doctor.
He told me that since all my test are ok, I have Irritable Bowel Syndrome post-infectious. The doctor says that IBS resolves by itself.
But I cannot believe that my symptoms has from IBS because I LIVE in a pain and discomfort, and IBS does not produce that.
So I am lost right now. I will continue searching for doctors and new test, because I know that I am not cured: the pain and discomfort is EXACTLY the same everyday.
Any clue?