Hi there!
My name is Becca, I am 34, and was injured at work in December 2013. I had a impacted femur and impacted tibia fracture, torn LCL, 3 herniated discs (2 commpressing nerves) and developed a Anterior Compartment syndrome. All of this was misdiagnosed for 7 days! (seriously) SO, It was finally diagnosed properly, but by then it was too late, and I had extensive nerve damage. So to make a long story short, I developed a foot drop ( from the compartment syndrome) which I now get to wear a very stylish purple AFO for potentially the rest of my life, and I developed CRPS in my Lumbar, and all the way down to my toes on the left leg. I still have a lot of issues especially where the fractures were, but no Ortho will touch me due to the CRPS, knowing that it can increase my pain X1000. So I agreed that surgery needed to be avoided because the CRPS is already affecting my life so much that I can't even enjoy hardly anything that I used to. I have severe allodynia and hyperalgesia, and have parasthesia as well. Anyways, I have 7 physicians currently at Mayo clinic who are trying to help me, but basically I'm being told that there's nothing that can be done at this point. I was referred to a pain clinic physician from a neurologist because I refuse to take pain meds, it's too risky, and I don't want my children seeing me all zombie like from taking pills. I just deal with it, and it's a struggle to say the least. So since I have been seeing this amazing pain management doc, I have had 3 paravertebral nerve sympathectomies and getting a 4th one in 10 days. Then, he said he wants me to consider having a Medtronics Neurostimulator implanted, it will be a trial for 3-7 days, and then if it works, the permanent one can be placed. I am just wanting some input from people who can relate to what I am going through, and have chronic pain and nothing works so now you resort to a neurostimulator.
Thanks so much in advance!! :)