Hi, I'm new here, posted an introduction, but I wanted to ask a question.
For those of us who are still searching for a definitive diagnosis, do you get fed up with the cycle? Going to different specialists and leaving the office disappointed each time because they can't find what's wrong? I have had multiple doctor's appointments every week for the last six months and I just feel so DONE with it. So done. I don't want to see one more doctor just to have them tell me they can't figure out what's wrong, why don't you go see a ___________- specialist? My latest is that I need to go get a colonoscopy
I'm only 38! Was hoping to put that one off for another 12 years ...
The only doc who helps me is my PM doc, who is absolutely amazing. Right now I just started Butrans 10 mcg/hour (which I love because I don't feel high, just NORMAL) have dilaudid 4 mg for flare ups, and am also using medicinal marijuana (I'm legal and certified) before bed and if I have down time during the day when I don't have to be anywhere or drive, etc. This combination is working really well and allowing me to return SOMEWHAT to my normal life. I actually took my kids to the movies this weekend! It was magical.
So I want to take a short break (a month or two) from trying to get a diagnosis, but my family and friends don't think that's a good idea. I just feel like they don't understand what happens to me emotionally every time I go in to a new specialist, wait for test results, etc. After reading this forum I see that people here understand. Have you felt like this? Just giving up? Especially if you find a combination of pain treatments that make you feel like you can get through your day? Thanks in advance for any thoughts you have to offer.