Thanks for the reply. I realize that my pain will never be 100% gone unless, of course, the surgery on my pancreas is a success and all these symptoms including the pain start to subside.
Talking in terms of the 0-10 pain scale, I would like my everyday average pain level to be a 4 or lower. Right now it is at about
a 5 and before I was seeing this PM doctor it was around 7-8 with spikes of 9-10. My breakthrough pain levels right now are around about
a 6-7 so I think eventually I will have a serious discussion with her about
a BT pain med. I wouldn't need a lot...probably just a monthly prescript
ion of 30 doses--1 dose per day.
At this last appointment though, the most important thing that needed to be discussed was my anxiety/panic disorder/agoraphobia. The Klonopin 1mg 3x daily is helping a lot and I haven't had a full blown panic attack since I started the klonopin again. I really think that the Valium 5mg is not a good medicine for controlling panic disorder. It was more of a rescue med after one had already started and probably 90% of the time 5mg didn't stop the panic attack.
I have one other concern...When I do have surgery to remove the tumors in my pancreas, what should I expect as far a post-operative pain since I am already on Fentanyl and will have a tolerance? Would the hospital just keep me on the patch and maybe bring me an injection of Dilaudid every few hours as needed? I don't know how the surgery will be done, but I am assuming similar to the
"Whipple Operation". Will the doctors be able to control post-op pain from a procedure like this with a patient whom has been using 50mcg/hr Fentanyl patches for a period of time of at least a few months to a year?