Thanks, Susie...Admittedly, I am unaware of many things
Yes, I just checked back in on my thread and I could not decipher it. I think maybe when I cut and paste from my journal entry, I did something WRONG. Apparently my error(s) came to fruition when NTS needed to edit some graphic language I had overlooked. My bad. I tried just now to go back in and shorten my post and rid it of whatever technical glitches had occurred, to make it more readable. I think maybe now I've lost it in translation.
I have resisted ALL opiates since an initial trial for PM in 2005-06, which did not work out for me. I was administered several series of injections and prescribed a plethora of pain meds, nerve meds, etc. I was scolded by my "then" PM doctors for resisting these medications due to side effects. They were the "best of the best" in pain management in the entire Southeast. Nothing against them...I was overwhelmed by that level of medication all at once and could not tolerate it. I withdrew in every sense of the word and managed to push through my pain without PM since 2006.
It was only after my attempts last Fall, seeing 8 specialists in 3 states, including GYN, ONC/GYN, UROs, ORTHOs, and NEUROs that I was told that PM was my only hope. They each told me that further surgery would make "it" worse. I reluctantly enrolled in PM in January of this year. I am currently taking Oxycodone 15 mg x 4 daily. My doctor would not prescribe the 4 pills per day (I guess because of the DEA regulations you stated). He did, however, change his demeanor towards me (in August) when my husband was sitting beside me. He prescribed 30 mg x 2 per day, instructing me to break in half and take every 4 hours.
I think if you could have read my novella of a post without the computer-induced scramble "gibberish" that is no one's fault, you would have had a much clearer view of my situation. Perhaps you would have understood that it's my PM doctor's demeanor and not his prescribing ethics that are so much the problem.
Truly sorry for all of the confusion I've caused.