Hi everyone totally new...so be kind
I'm looking for advice or experience info from anyone who is taking opioids and are CA IW. Specifically oxycontin (slow release) and actiq (breakthrough) have taken these meds successfully for 10+years no issues except WC changes (same doc, one pharmacy, blah blah).
If you have a similar situation and have some positive advice, I'd really appreciate it...looking for:
evidence-based articles for opioids (esp. fenyanyl)
BULLET-PROOF REPORT to help stop the madness...exactly what daily activities your doc tracks, what tests you fill out at appointments, how often do you see doctor? what your report looks like so UR doesn't get triggered.
UR Denial/modification ..Reversals: and info as to how your doc or attorney or you went about
getting the reversal.
Winning IMR cases envolving opioids (esp oxycontin and fentanyl) and info as to what documents were reviewed by the IMR (what you, attorney or doc made sure IMR guy looked at to help you win). What documentation I should make sure is provided to IMR doc. I was injured in 1984 and my Agreed Medical report supported the same opioids I am on right now...so there is no way that a UR eval can be done by using my past 4 doctors notes.
Lastly, For those that have been treating with opioids for a long time, is there something your doctor, attorney or u have done to make WC understand the your in the elite group of people that opioids works for? Thus avoiding the monthly UR Denials, IMR, Harrassment?
Thanks looking forward to some good advice eieio