hi Guys,
I need you advises on the to go/no go for the surgery for cubital tunnel .My doctor says I will need ulner nerve transposition to front of the elbow.
I am a software engineer and have been facing mild pain in both elbows( right hand is more severe) from last 3 months along with some abnormal sensation/pressure on the little fingures of both hands.Also a mild pain/abnormal feeling on the palm side of little fingure.
One morning I woke up with burning pain on ulnar side of both the hands and tht time I reliased I was having a habbit of sleeping my eblows bent on my chest and thts the reason I was getting numbness sometimes in the ring and pinky fingure.
I have tried the conservative treatment from last 3 months with nerve gliding exercies, making sure not to flex my elbows in night by wraping the towels around elbows.
I feel the ache and pain in elbows very irritating and also the abnormal sensation in pinky fingures.I had done NCV/EMG twise , first one at start of the systems came negative but the one recently done shows some slowing of velocity around both elbows though its not very less 46 m/s.Ultrasound shows some swelling/edema and thickness of ulner nerve around both elbows.
My doctor says I need to go for surgery as things are not improved after conservative treatment and I should get it done for right hand first as I am right handed before getting things worst.
Please note I don't have any numbness and severe pain though whatever I have is irritatiing specially when I work in office in front of computer for 9 hours a day.
I am really afraid of the surgery after reading such a horrible stories around the internet after surgery.
I have already postponed my surgery once. I am really worried about my hand post surgery as I am the only earner in my family and you know the private job sucks.
Could you please advise me based on your experiences?
My doctor has shown me many videos of surgery he ahs done and he claimed all were success.
I have already taken 5-6 openions from various doctors and their responses are mix of yes/no about the surgery.I am confused a lot because of this and always kept on thinking what if I can't use my right hand after surgery since I am a software engineer and will have to use my hand for computer usage.
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