Thanks, Vickie...Yes I am, but the patches are expensive even with Good Rx. As I've posted along the way, I've held off from the patches due to cost and previous experience (bad) with 72 hour dosing.
However, the IR med trials have been unsuccessful, so I'm at a crossroads. The ER form of Oxycodone is astronomical in price. The IR, which has been my "trial" for several months, has done more harm than good. For me personally, the strength of dose seemed to hit hard and dissipate too quickly. It left me with too many ups and DOWNS. I don't like those feelings, so we felt I needed to surrender to Fentanyl. For now, I'm using Fentanyl 25 mcg only, along with my gastro maintenance meds and AD. Oh, and I'm also taking Gabapentin for Shingles in my eye/face.
I went through surgically induced menopause in the mid 90's, so I'm WAY PAST that. It has to be the med that is causing the sweating and itching. I recall last year upon enrolling in PM that we tried MS Contin. It had great potential for pain relief, but the SEs were bad (night sweats, severe itching, sedation to the point of drooling) and even worse (life-threatening bowel obstruction from constipation).
I wake throughout the night fiercely clawing my flesh, especially my face, eyelids, neck and arms. I am wringing wet with sweat (soaked t-shirt and sheets) yet literally freezing to death. I awake in the morning feeling much as I did pre-PM with PAIN (crying out with movement) and stiffness. It lessens to a degree as I am up and around, but truly no more than it would from Darvocet. I am SO sleepy throughout the day, unable to focus.
I will add that I continue to battle an unwelcome companion of UTI with most recent Cipro. It's recurrent for at least 2 years, causing severe flank pain and dark smelly urine. Sometimes it hurts so bad that I can't stand upright. I saw my GP 2 weeks ago. She ordered the Cipro. It was just early winter that I took Levaquin for a 30 day cycle. It will clear, but rebound, it seems. Perhaps it's due to my surgically altered anatomy (rectal/vaginal). Either way, I fear kidney damage. Something's just not right. I have a sub-rotated (pelvic) kidney on my left side. That is the side (flank/pelvic) that terrorizes me, whether it's kidney or endo-related.
My PM doctor doesn't really have "conversations" with me. There is a failure to communicate, whether it be cultural or otherwise. He says he doesn't remember me from one visit to the next "because he has so many patients". He forgets our previous discussions. Those should be on record so that he can refresh his memory. YES...that scares the begeezers out of me. He went ballistic last year when I took a 4x6 photo for his file to provide visual prompt. I wasn't trying to be a smart arse. I was (am) worried that he is more scattered a cat in traffic.
I am unapologetically OCD when it comes to record-keeping. Thankfully, for now, I am blessed with a phenomenally sharp memory and recall. I have journaled throughout my adult life, also, and kept copius amounts of notes and medical records. Although I love the convenience of our technology, I'm an "old school paper trail" kinda gal. I have more ring binders than I can count on 2 hands=) This has served me well as I have yet another tool to advocate for my extensive medical history.
Vickie, I'm so happy that you posted, as I can certainly use your knowledge as a nurse. I am fully aware that medical advice is prohibited here, and rightfully so. However, the best and most accurate information can be obtained by fellow pain peeps that are LIVING this life. Anything you have to offer will be greatly appreciated. I just feel LOST and alone in this. What am I missing? What do you think is happening with the patch and the sweating? Do you think the med is dumping during the night? Could that be why I'm feeling no relief of pain during the day, yet sedated? What can I do?
OT, but I loved reading your post about your recent move with your daughter's family. Your happiness came through like rays of sunshine. I BELIEVE in family...warts and all. I always have, though mine was certainly never the Hallmark version. That doesn't exist. Mine is fractured into pieces, though I try constantly to glue it back together. I think we need family. I admire the cultures that live together multi-generationally. The circle of life is completed when the elders live in harmony with the "young'uns". I cried tears of joy (I know, silly) when I read about y'all sharing not only a home, but tasks and chores. There is nothing IMO that is more comforting than a table full of food and fellowship, shared amongst family and friends. People NEED people...but in this crazy fast paced sell-absorbed environment...Well, yours is the exception. I love the "anything goes" for supper night. My DH and I have those several nights a week!
My DH is baking us a cake right now. I was SO disappointed that Brachs isn't making chocolate covered jelly beans this year. It's the little things=) YES, I'm obsessed...I contacted the company when they weren't stocked with the Easter candies recently. Bless his heart, he knows how down I've been...not about the candy...well, maybe. BTW, I also enjoyed the thread about Little Debbie cravings. My DH KNOWS that cake is always the answer. The smell wafting from the oven, as he brings in firewood, lifts my spirits.