Posted 3/6/2015 6:08 PM (GMT 0)
hi all
had a visit tuesday with pm dr. i had an appt on 2/18 but due to the weather and i had a bad cold i rescheduled it to 3/3.
as i have posted before there has been issues with him from the get go. some of you were helpful in your responses and some made comments based on my not explaining myself very well. for the most part i appreciated all your input.
NOW i am seriously thinking about changing pm dr. i think this dr and i have come to a point where its not to my best interest to stay with him. he hasn't treated my husband since nov. just let him go cold turkey. thank goodness he was able to get thru it. hes in counceling and group for the next 8 weeks.
now to the point, tuesdays visit turned into him accusing me of not showing my meds in my pee test. it was the break thru pill not my patch. so i started to cry and then i got mad, here i am doing things right and hes treating me like a drug dealer, addict, coming to him for the wrong reasons etc. or giving my pills to hubby. not true hubby has a pee test every week and they are clean.
i was supposed to see him 2/18 but as i said weather and cold i redid. to 3/3. i only had 5 patches and 8 pills.
no wonder nothing showed up tues. i have had it. he has never gave me an exam, tests, etc. to see the level of pain and then treat accordingly.
my husband and i both are well educated, my work was in child abuse, and drug/alcohol abuse. i never have abused meds in my life. i never took any till i had my stroke 5 yrs ago. all i want is relief from the pain and have a life which i havent had in the 5 yrs since my stroke.
what do you all think? i am beside myself over this.
helpful comments appreciated.