Posted 3/12/2015 2:45 AM (GMT 0)
Hey Vickie,
I would like to tell you that what was/is happening to your daughter happened to me a couple of months ago. It started off in the thoracic (T2-3) and the pain seem to be centralized right along the spinal vertebrae but upon pressing, it was a little to the right. The area itself was about the size of a silver dollar, very sore and tender, tingling from that area to other points of the back and scapula. At one point it was very distressing to sit on something upright because it just hurt, and seem to feel like almost a stabbing pain along with a nerve type pain.
This went on for about a week, I was taking Aleve, using the heating pad w/moisture and a topical analgesic - nothing helped! The pain area was getting bigger and bigger! Coincidentally, I was scheduled to get massage with my daughter and I went. When I was asked if I had any focal area I told her I was having issues/pain and then told her my story.
Long story short.................... it was a massive deep muscle knot that actually was compressing some nerves. It was a very painful maneuver for her to work it out. The weird thing was I could feel the ball of muscle as she tried to work it out.
I don't know if this is what's wrong, but girl - when I read your post I was like "I had/felt that way exactly"!!
So after the massage, I took my muscle relaxer religiously for a week (I have it for PRN use), continued with heat, Aleve and my hubby worked on it every day. It took a good week to feel relief and the area to calm down.
I hope that this helped...................don't panic as I did! I got to reading on the net and found all kinds of nasty things that coincided with my symptoms - bad idea!
I hope she gets to feeling better real soon.
Big Hugs from Texas,