Hi Audrey,
I can't offer much more of what White Beard has explained to you. I had my pain pump only since July. I lived in Illinois before moving here to Florida and I wasn't as lucky there, they only wanted to give me epidurals and weak pain meds and insisted i do therapy, how can you walk a treadmill when you can't get walk to the bathroom ?
anyway, long story short when we retired and moved to Florida four years ago my new primary doctor told me I had to see a pain clinic. It's when Florida went upside down and they were changing the laws regarding opiates and category 2 drugs. I didn't go, I just wanted her to give some norco and I'd do my pool therapy at the pool in our community here. She kept insisting I give them a chance and even called me at home and begged me to try it.
I was scared the first time because I just knew they were going to give me an epidural and migraines would start again and I took my MRI disc with me that was a couple years old. Just looking at the disc the doctor sat down with me and told me I had several options and started talking about
cortizon steroid injections and i told him i didn't want that because of the migraines i got from them. he put his hand on my shoulder and swore to me what he was going to do was not the same, he would Never shoot me in the vein in my spine, but next to it to numb it. He got my trust that day. Later he did another MRI and the deterioration between the five years was severe. they started giving me stronger opiates and different types of injections, there's several different kinds and the one that worked best was the rhzoplasty where they burn the nerves but you can only have it one every six months, some people it lasts for years, but unfortunately it didn't for me.
We discussed surgery and was honest with me when I asked about
the success rate for my case and my age and admitted it would probably only be a 50% chance that the pain would lesson on it's own. I have continued with this clinic for the last four years. Last year they started asking me if i wanted to try the pain pump and gave me the Medtronic literature. they also started me on morphine at that time and I hadn't felt that much relief in years so of course, i wasn't in any big hurry to go through the surgery of a pain pump. They kept increasing my dosages and between the various injections I've been able to do my water aerobics, garden and golf with my husband.
I was so afraid that putting an implant in me with a catheter going into my spine would be too dangerous to continue to golf and aerobics even tho they and a Medtronic's representative promised me that I would be able to continue with my life. Yes, I too have arthritis in other parts of my body and I also was afraid that once they took my orals away from me that I would suffer with the neck and shoulder pain as well. But like White Beard said above, you have to choose. The back pain is a level 10 always without meds, the upper part of my body is maybe a 5 on a rainy humid day.
I made the horrible mistake of looking up pain pumps on the internet and ran into a lot of misinformation and horrible stories so I kept dragging my feet about
saying yes to the pump. I went the pyhch evaluation, got the approvals from Medicare and my primary but never gave them a date. Finally I was seeing another dr who they had reassigned to me because the clinic rotates their days in different offices, and she told me we were at the end of the road here. I could not go on with these massive doses of morphine and injections every 30 days or so because it was going to begin to take its toll on my body and give me even more problems. I also have what is called Gene Factor V which means my body has a pr
opensity to make blood clots and i have to take coumadin every day and regulated and have several breakouts.
I've had a filter put in under my heart so I no longer have to worry too much about
getting a stroke or another Pulmonary emulism but it's possible. I knew there was a lady i'd heard about
tht lives in our community (we live in a retired over 55 community) who had a pain pump but I had never met her or knew which one she was. My 'pool buddies' knew i had been looking for her and put feelers out and finally showed me who she was and she happened to be at the pool. I introduced myself and we sat down and talked. She asked me what was my hang up? What was the deepest fears i had about
the pump? I told her about
what I read and how i was afraid it would ruin my quality of life and she stood up (shes a tiny woman) and started doing the twist and said 'Look at me ! I can dance, i can swim and i have NO pain !); she also had been in a car accident a few months before that and broke her neck and i asked her if they could give her meds for it and she said of course they did, silly ! turned out she goes to the same clinic as me. My next doctor visit I told them to schedule me, I was ready now. I'm not going to lie to you, there is surgical pain and recovery and each clinic has their own way of doing things which you will learn if you come back to this forum. Some get their pump already filled, I didn't. I stayed on my morphine for a week before they filled me then they weaned me off as they increased my dosage, I still had some withdrawal but it's over and i feel wonderful. I'm back golfing and i'm not afraid of twisting anymore, I know that it has adhered itself and was put in place to stay.
After my dosage was regulated i now go every three months, some folks go every six, depends on your PM. I had terrible sciatica pain shooting up and down my legs and in the mornings they would buckle under me, it seems the pump has cured everything from the waist down.
I mentioned I have Gene Factor V so i cannot take vitamin K nor can i take aspirin or Nsaids like advil or ibprophen for the upper back, but I'm going to make you laugh here, i go to the feed store and i get horse linament and it works ! It's great, if you go to any feed store the person will know which one to tell you to buy that won't burn your skin, it goes much much deeper than ben-gay and the arthritis pain is gone in about
10 minutes. An old woman (older than me that is) told me about
it and she was right ! i hope you and your husband make the decision based on the doctor who will perform the surgery for him, that's important. A medtronic's representative called me in the very beginning of my considering it and told me my doctor performs this surgery all the timer and he's excellent at it. So if there's more than one in the pm you go to, pull a tech aside and ask them who does them the most or which one would they trust? Medtronic representatives are the nicest people and want it all to go ok for you and they can even tell you if you have selected the right guy for the job. Good luck to you, you have a lot to think about
. Please keep us informed no matter what decision you make, CP is no joke and your hubby is lucky not to go through it alone.
I have made some paragraphs in your post to make it easier to read. Some of our members have tracking problems when reading. Thanks.
Post Edited By Moderator (straydog) : 10/5/2015 1:30:12 PM (GMT-6)