Hi everyone, my name is Charlie and I am new to the site.
A little about
me: I am a 30 year old male with a herniated disc, Ankylosing Spondylitis (an autoimmune disorder like Rheumatoid Arthritis but AS attacks my lumbar spine, hip, knee and ankle joints) as well as Sciatica.
I have been going to a Pain Management clinic for almost a year now and everything started out well. My first few appointments were with an MD, but getting an appointment I can go to with him has become next to impossible. So, I have been seeing one of his two Physician Assistants. Normally, I do not like to be seen by PA's because in my opinion, some of them lack the experience that an MD has and delay treatment or are not willing to do very much. However, I have been wanting to build a medical rapport with this doctor/clinic and so I become comfortable with them and vice versa.
The doc first prescribed me 7.5 mg Percocet and asked me to do a series of steroid injections over the course of three months, which did nothing, but I understand his course of treatment. I was then bumped up to 10 mg and it seemed to be working just fine until six months later and a career change. Due to a downsizing, I had to take a different job that was more physical and required me to be on my feet a lot longer resulting in a lot of breakthrough pain. During my last appointment with the PA, I explained this and offered the solution of increasing my dosage from every six hours to every four hours. She was not willing to do this and said that I needed a long acting medication and keep the Percocet where it is as breakthrough relief.
I reluctantly agreed and she gave me MS Contin 15 mg. I absolutely HATE the MS Contin!! It does not work, it makes me very drowsy/sleepy and I am pretty sure that there is something in the long acting part of it that makes me nauseous and itchy! I have had IV Morphine before in the hospital and never had a problem. I gave it the benefit of the doubt and have ridden it out for a little over a week hoping that the side effects would subside when my body adjusted to it after a few days but no such luck.
Here is my problem: I do not want to go back to this PA in another 10 days at my scheduled appointment and have her A) want to keep me on this med given the side effects and tell me to ride out the side effects or B) want to increase the dosage because I said it doesnt work.
I have done a TON of reading online and I have come across a lot of people who share my views about
MS Contin and how they hate it and say it is not nearly as effective as Oxycontin. I am tempted to call and change my appointment to the other PA (who I have heard good things about
) and see what she is willing to do for me.
Anyone have any thoughts/ideas/comments?? Any and all feedback would be appreciated!! Thanks!!